Sunday, February 22, 2009

Damn Small Linux 3.4.5 Final (LiveCD)

Damn Small Linux - this Live CD with distributivom Linux, that is accomodated on the business- card (SHCH0MB). In spite of its small size it allows functional and simple in the use working table. Damn Small Linux Contains almost complete working table, including XMMS (MP3 and MPEG), client FTP, the pererabotannyy Web browser links, ON for the work with the electronic tables, the electronic mail, checking orthography (Engl.), text processor, three editors (Nedit, nVi, Zile [ clone emacs ]), Xpdf, Worker (file manager), Naim (AIM, ICQ, IRC), VNCviwer, server and client SSH/SCP, client DHCP, PPP, PPPoE, Web server, calculator, the window manager Fluxbox, application for monitoring of system, support USB, and in it it will be soon realized support PCMCIA. If to you is pleased Damn Small Linux, you will be able to establish it to your hard disk. Since all applications are small and lungs, this there will be very good selection for the old equipment.
Damn Small is small enough and smart enough to do the following things:
* Boot from a business card CD as a live linux distribution (LiveCD)
* Boot from a USB pen drive
* Boot from within a host operating system (that's right, it can run *inside* Windows)
* Run very nicely from an IDE Compact Flash drive via a method we call "frugal install"
* Transform into a Debian OS with a traditional hard drive install
* Run light enough to power a 486DX with 16MB of Ram
* Run fully in RAM with as little as 128MB (you will be amazed at how fast your computer can be!)
* Modularly grow -- DSL is highly extendable without the need to customize


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